We have our own special Therapy unit were external treatment along with internal treatment is provided for skin, Hair, sinusitis, Varicose veins, bone and joint complaints.
Hair has 3 stages- growth stage, resting stage and falling stage. In Androgenetic Alopecia the growth stage reduces and falling stage remains the same. Ultimately growth stage becomes so short that the growing hair fails to achieve sufficient length to reach the surface of the skin, leaving an empty follicular pore. Hair follicle miniaturization is the hallmark of androgenetic alopecia. Slowly the hair loss is more than the hair produced causing baldness. Once an area becomes totally bald the chances of growing hair in such area is almost equal to No. Till the hair is in 5th stage of Norwood scale it is possible through proper Homoeopathic medication and therapies to reverse the process and bring new hair growth.
Homoeopathic Care is the only clinic where along with best internal treatment [medication] we provide Andro Therapy [external therapy where best Homoeopathic medicines are allowed to do their magic in production of new hair and extending the growth cycles so that remaining hair can be sustained.

Homoeopathic Care is the only Homoeopathic clinic where along with best internal treatment [medication] we provide Andro Therapy [external therapy where best Homoeopathic medicines are allowed to do their magic in production of new hair and extending the growth cycles so that remaining hair can be sustained.
Your Homeopath Kerala
Restore Your Health Naturally With Homeopathy.
Safe, No Side Effects
Homeopathic Specialist
Treating Patients Successfully For 26 Years Naturally

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Clinic Locations
Indian Clinic
Dr.A.Kannan MD(Hom)
TC 20/916, Karamana,
Trivandrum-695002, Kerala
Adelaide Clinic
Anthony Gray, BHSc (Comp Med),
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia