Acne is a common skin condition where the pores of the skin get clogged. Pore blockages produce blackheads, whiteheads and other types of pimples. Pimples are pus-filled, sometimes painful, bumps on your skin.
Homoeopathic care specializes in internal treatment where your immune system is set right on path so that it does not affect your skin, hair and scalp and same time external treatment which can deal with inflammation, scaling, dryness, itchiness and hair loss, heal it and bring on hair growth.
Types of Acne:
- Fungal Acne(pityrosporum folliculitis): Fungal acne occurs when yeast builds up in your hair follicles. These can be itchy and inflamed.
- Cystic Acne: Cystic acne causes deep, pus-filled pimples and nodules. These can cause scars.
- Hormonal Acne: Hormonal acne affects adults who have an overproduction of sebum that clogs their pores.
- Nodular Acne: Nodular acne is a severe form of acne that causes pimples on the surface of your skin, and tender, nodular lumps under your skin.
Where on our body will we get Acne? What are its Symptoms and Causes?
The most common places where you might have acne are on your: Face, Forehead, Chest, Shoulders, Upper back
And any place Oil glands exist [all over your body].
Pimples or also pustules
Small, discolored bumps, often red to purple or darker than your natural skin tone.
Black heads
White heads

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Homeopathic Specialist
#(BHSc (Comp Med), Adv. Dip. Homeopathy)
Treating Patients Successfully For 15 Years Naturally

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Clinic Locations
Indian Clinic
Dr.A.Kannan MD(Hom)
TC 20/916, Karamana,
Trivandrum-695002, Kerala
Adelaide Clinic
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia