We have our own special Therapy unit were external treatment along with internal treatment is provided for skin, Hair, sinusitis, Varicose veins, bone and joint complaints.
This unique therapy of Homoeopathic care specializes in healing of the acne scars and pigmentation caused by acne. It is customized according to the skin types, acne type and acne scar type of the patient. Repeated sessions reduce and heal the scars, stimulate the collagen development on face, control the oil formation on face leaving the skin on face soft, fair, supple and nourished and all this with Homoeopathy. Along with the therapy a regular course of Homoeopathic medicine helps in seeing that future bouts or recurrence of acne and its scars are avoided. All this with lots of positive effect and No side effect. Medicines used externall and internally are purely homoeopathic.
Homoeopathic care specializes in internal treatment where your immune system is set right on path so that it does not affect your skin, hair and scalp and same time external treatment which can deal with inflammation, scaling, dryness, itchiness and hair loss, heal it and bring on hair growth.
Your Homeopath Kerala
Restore Your Health Naturally With Homeopathy.
Safe, No Side Effects
Homeopathic Specialist
#(BHSc (Comp Med), Adv. Dip. Homeopathy)
Treating Patients Successfully For 15 Years Naturally
Make An Appointment
Clinic Locations
Indian Clinic
Dr.A.Kannan MD(Hom)
TC 20/916, Karamana,
Trivandrum-695002, Kerala
Adelaide Clinic
Anthony Gray, BHSc (Comp Med),
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia