About Homeopathic Care Kerala

I started my journey of homoeopathy from Fr. Mullers Homoeopathic Medical College were I did my BHMS.This college other than Academic knowledge provided me with the skill and confidence to be a successful Homoeopath. After this for my further studies, MD, I was fortunate enough to do my post-graduation from JSPS College Hyderabad. This place sharpened my skills and made me a good doctor of today.
I have presented many papers in and around India and also internationally in different conferences and have helped many aastudents achieve their dream of being a successful Homoeopath. This system has brought me close to many a great Homoeopaths along with whom I am a part of most prestigious organization GHF ie. Global Homoeopathic foundation. This foundation is the stepping stone to encourage many Homoeopathic physicians, increase the reach of Homoeopathy, research on Homoeopathy and work for the benefit of Homoeopathy itself. Iam one of the founder official of IHMA [Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association]which is at present a very prestigious Association working for welfare of Homoeopathy.
I along with my wife [Dr Jyothi Kannan] gave the first breath to Homoeopathic care, which is a fruit of our hard work. Many patients have been treated successfully in Homoeopathic Care.

I have been practicing Homoeopathy for past 22 yrs successfully. I did my BHMS from Fr Mullers Homoeopathic medical College which helped to build a strong foundation for a good Doctor of tomorrow. I did my MD from JSPS Medical College Hyderabad which added a feather to my cap and enlightened me further making me a successful Homoeopathic physician. These 22 yrs I have attended and participated in many medical conferences. I have presented papers at various forums. I have been teaching and preaching Homoeopathy in and around India and have also received international applause. Have been able to treat many patients with various conditions. Never have I considered this profession as merely a profession but it is has been my passion. Im grateful to Homoeopathyas I have been able to help many people of their sufferings. It has made possible to be hope for many hopeless cases were even time of life was predicted.
I did my course of Cosmetology and Trichology from Mumbai which gave me insight in treating many skin and hair conditions with Homoeopathic medcines. With this knowledge started my own, first of its kind, unique external treatment with internal treatment of skin, hair, joints in our Homoeopathic Care Therapy unit. All the medicines used externally are Homoeopathic and provide relief and heal the patient
I am and integral part of Homoeo Academy which gives free online classes for Homoeopathic students. The whole aim is to train the young budding Doctors in such was so that they can carry forward the torch of Homoeopathy proudly.
My journey has taught me many things and made me a better Doctor each day. Smile on patients face after being cured of the disease is something which money cannot buy. I am proud to be a Homoeopath.
Homoeopathic Care is a joint venture of Dr A Kannan and Dr Jyothi Kannan. We as a team started this clinic 22 yrs. ago. It has been witness to many cured cases, it stand tall till today with its healing powers. Many patients have shared their good experiences of treatment in their testimonials. It is a teamwork of all Doctors working in the clinic. Our staff are well behaved and well equipped to deal with the patients. We have our own special Therapy unit were external treatment along with internal treatment is provided for skin, Hair, sinusitis, Varicose veins, bone and joint complaints.
Clinic Locations
Indian Clinic
Dr.A.Kannan MD(Hom)
TC 20/916, Karamana,
Trivandrum-695002, Kerala
Adelaide Clinic
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia