We have our own special Therapy unit were external treatment along with internal treatment is provided for skin, Hair, sinusitis, Varicose veins, bone and joint complaints.
This therapy is named after the yeast Malassezia furfur. It is a member of a monophyletic genus of fungi normally found on human and animal skin. They are lipid-dependent and feed on the oil [sebum]in our scalp causing severe itching, irritation, flaky and scaly scalp. Malassezia have a important role in several common dermatologic disorders, including seborrheic dermatitis (SD), pityriasis versicolor (PV), and Malassezia folliculitis.
M. furfur is unable to produce its own food [oil/sebum] and therefore, depends on the oils produced in areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands, especially the trunk, face, and scalp. It is normally present in our scalp but in certain cases becomes opportunistic and causes infection and disease.
Fur Fur Therapy along with the right homoeopathic medication helps in combating against fur fur infection.
Your Homeopath Kerala
Restore Your Health Naturally With Homeopathy.
Safe, No Side Effects
Homeopathic Specialist
Treating Patients Successfully For 26 Years Naturally
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Clinic Locations
Indian Clinic
TC 20/916, Karamana,
Trivandrum-695002, Kerala
Adelaide Clinic
Anthony Gray, BHSc (Comp Med),
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia
Adv. Dip. Homeopathy
33 Jenkins Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073
Adelaide, South Australia